Turning Points by APJ Abdul Kalam - A Review

Turning Points: A Journey Through ChallengesTurning Points: A Journey Through Challenges by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good book that shows the life of a President that India loved, sheds light on the decisions he made that were considered controversial and inspires the leader in one. Not a book for a casual reader, for sure, they might complain it’s boring.

I feel Kalam uplifted the position of President of India with his initiatives during his tenure. Something that is a challenge to meet for any of the later presidents.

One reason I could easily read this book was because Kalam has been an inspiration to me through his two earlier books - Ignited Minds and Wings of Fire, and this being a sequel to Wings, I could easily connect the dots.

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