Test version of main TechGlider.com site is out!

I am pleased to inform you all that I have finally uploaded a test version of the main TechGlider.com site. :-)

As I have mentioned that it’s a test version, a lot of download links and the forums link are not working and I am very sorry for that. The main purpose of the test site is to showcase the main design and structure of the future TechGlider site.

You can view the site by clicking on the “Visit the main TechGlider site” link at the above navigation bar. To get back to The TechGlider Blog from the main site you can click on the main logo of the site that says “TechGlider.com”. Typing “www.techglider.in” on your address bar still redirects you to this blog as that’s-a-test-version-of-the-main-site.

Feel free to comment and suggest about the design and contents of the site which will lead to its improvement.

Hope to bring out the TechGlider in its full form as soon as possible…


Posted in News On the Web with tags site design site structure techglider.in